Thursday, 10 February 2011

Doesn't it just get on your nerves when people think they have to lie to get your attention?
People should understand that if you want friends be open and honest and don't bother hiding anything. Regardless people are going to find out anyway! Most of the time lying to people just starts an argument. Your friends begin to get sick of all the lies and cant deal with all the drama that you throw their way. Then comes the names. Why lie when all you do is make a name for yourself that you'd rather not have? You lose friends pretty quickly as their trust deteriorates. There are many reasons why you shouldn't lie. Its pointless and can only lead to trouble. It is quite sad that the people like that think you need to lie to make people like you, and people would like you more if you didn't hide behind your lies. People want to get to know the real you and not the act you put on to cover it up.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Obnoxious Ex Boyfriends

Obnoxious Ex's are the worst. They continue talking to you even when they know that you are not interested. They begin to try to push the boundaries of friendship and do not understand what stop means. Every girl must know what its like to have an ex that is obsessed with himself and what other girls think of him. Don't you wish that they would just disappear! They try to make it better but they seem to only make it worse. What part of EX don't they understand? With the EX there becomes certain boundaries that should not be crossed e.g. still grabbing your waist and hugging you continuously. They need to man up and come to terms with the fact that you are no longer theirs. It even includes the texts they send, because there comes to a point when they begin increasing texts and trying to get you back but it doesn't work and just makes things even more awkward when you see each other. Can they not just get the hint. We don't need them coming around and still trying to be a dominant part of your life, especially when you are trying to move on and find someone knew that isn't as obsessed with themselves. The new definition of OBNOXIOUS = EX BOYFRIENDS.