Sunday, 20 January 2013

Bringing The Bitch Back!

Haven’t posted in a while, things have been kind of scary. I’ve started college and I have a boyfriend. However, I’ve been dealt a bit of a crappy hand in life. I thought the bullying was over when I started sixth form. Most people I knew had grown up over the summer, but it turns out the other people hadn’t. In fact they had gone the other way and had become so petty and ridiculous that they made it so that nobody could be happy until they were. Now this posed as a threat to me, as one of the bitches liked my boyfriend. Things started happening after we went public and ever since I've been getting crap off of people. Most tend to hide behind an anon but it shows they are too scared to confront me in person.

  The only good thing about the situation is I have an amazing boyfriend and I now know who my real friends are. They’ve stood by me ever since it all started – and what these people have yet to realise is that there is nothing that I do better than revenge (thank you Taylor Swift for providing me with that phrase). Its time to bring the bitch back!

 I’m not letting everyone walk all over me anymore. I got rid of the bitch barrier at the end of year 11. However, I think its time I let my evil “Queen Bitch” side out again.I need to stop these hypercritical little people, who make it their mission to ruin peoples lives – or at least attempt too.

  I don’t like bullies and I’m not going to have a repeat of the last 10 years of my life. It time for a change.

  This is all for now, but a few songs that make me keep my head up are:

18 Wheeler – Pink

Nobody Ever Told You – Carrie Underwood

Stronger – Kelly Clarkson

Fuck You – Lily Allen 

I see this blog as my way to vent my anger and inner thoughts – Its where I can voice my inner monologue without people knowing exactly who I am and who its about.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Reality vs. TV– (Glued to the TV )

The reality of life gets even scarier when you realise that you are just like a character out of one of the best comedies on TV.

When you see the resemblance to the life choices and the attitude that the certain character has you begin to question how you act and where your life is going. You also begin to learn that even the characters have a set story and you don’t. Then the realisation hits that you are in fact wasting your time watching the fake you lead a better life. YOU NEED TO GET OUT!

Stop watching these TV shows just puts you down. Instead beat TV slum and get out and do something with yourself. Go shopping, meet new people and get some exercise. When you start comparing your life to that of a fictional character, alarm bells should be ringing. Sort out your job and call your friends.

Although, if you like this character and you like being like them, then follow in their footsteps. Try leading a life that seems good to you. Don’t live in the TV world!

The end of my pointless rambling is now over…for now anyway Open-mouthed smile So until next time Open-mouthed smilexx

glued to the tv

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Sixth Form Starter

My blog is now turning into a fiction diary.

The first days of sixth form are the best. The signing up and the getting to know everyone. Especially when you find yourself in a tutor with some of your closest friends. The only annoying thing is the queues for each of the lessons and the heartbreak of finding that you were 0.3 marks off of getting into the subject that you were hoping for.

Although, the subjects that I have now taken are so much better and more of an interest to me. It’s as if it had all happened for a reason. My teachers are all extremely nice and I hope its going to be a good two years. (fingers crossed).

Psychology degree is what I’m looking fir at the end of the tunnel and I hope it’s going to go that way.

The first days are the best because the clique lines are blurred and everyone is mixing. This means no bullying, no outcasts and no awkwardness. All of this will only last for a week at most, but its the ultimate test to see who gets on and who can stick together.

Even though it isn’t a jungle, it sure feels like it. It’s time to form a pack.


Saturday, 1 September 2012

The Ultimate Summer Holiday

Well, when you finish school you expect the best summer ever. So many different plans and so many different people to meet. So why does it never work out like that?


With a full time job, at the age of 16 it’s hard to do everything you wish. Money is always part of that and time is another issue. Its the first full time job and it may be only for 3 months but it is still draining and gives you a taste of reality.

  For me, I have worked for the Olympic catering company in the Olympic sailing village. It has been the most wonderful experience of my life. Everyone is so nice and our shift is like a family. The only thing that I’m not too happy about is the fact that I had so many plans and I haven’t done any of it. The thought of a full time job was quite daunting, but I will admit that it has been amazing. I love working full time and I’m going to be sad leaving to go back to sixth form!

It has been so amazing working with the athletes and I wouldn't of wanted the summer to go any other way!


Till next time … Open-mouthed smile

Friday, 11 November 2011

I love the way that I can go dancing in the rain and not have a care in the world. Although, when sat in class the last thing on your mind is being happy and care free.  Teenagers are faced every day with the terror of another day at school. Some because they are verbally abused all day and others because they just don't like school and don't have the support of others.
  The gossip, the hatred and the hard work can all make life hell, especially if the home life isn't that good. People underestimate what teenagers go through and also what they can actually do when they have the time, but most teenagers don't get a chance to express themselves because of all the sol and economic pressure of today. Most teenagers are currently getting some sort of counselling because all of this is way too much. We need to express ourselves and let it out... go back to the days where money wasn't a worry and we had a good enough imagination to stop us from sitting on a bench for the night. The reasons for most teenagers being accused of antisocial behaviour because they are being forced to grow up way too fast and not think about their future. So people should think when they see a teenager wearing a hoody - just because they are stereotyped doesn't mean they all act like thugs and you don't know what they may be going through.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

 Is there some kinda 'thing' that people give off to get rid of people that have relationship potential? Or am I just too high maintenance? I mean... I know I can be a bit headstrong, bossy and I can look after myself, but does that make guys run away. I just need to find that one guy who is stronger than me and that can put up with me and all my 'little' quirks. Can someone please help me! Advice on how to keep a guy longer than 2 weeks, because only atleast 3 boys have lasted a couple months. Being a teenage girl is so hard!

Thursday, 14 April 2011


Wow...I haven't blogged in a while and I'm beginning to miss it! There's nothing better than settling down to watch back to back episodes of SCRUBS. I absolutely love Scrubs. Its easy to connect to and its amazingly hilarious. With crazy characters like JD and Turk you cant go wrong. Even the new med. school episodes are great with the same great people and a few new guys and girls which are amazingly talented. The best new people are Denise and Drew who both have a very funny relationship where they bond through their love for other peoples pain. It makes me laugh that Dr Kelso is still in all of them even though he retired in the last series. Its just a comedy TV show that can never get boring!