Sunday, 20 January 2013

Bringing The Bitch Back!

Haven’t posted in a while, things have been kind of scary. I’ve started college and I have a boyfriend. However, I’ve been dealt a bit of a crappy hand in life. I thought the bullying was over when I started sixth form. Most people I knew had grown up over the summer, but it turns out the other people hadn’t. In fact they had gone the other way and had become so petty and ridiculous that they made it so that nobody could be happy until they were. Now this posed as a threat to me, as one of the bitches liked my boyfriend. Things started happening after we went public and ever since I've been getting crap off of people. Most tend to hide behind an anon but it shows they are too scared to confront me in person.

  The only good thing about the situation is I have an amazing boyfriend and I now know who my real friends are. They’ve stood by me ever since it all started – and what these people have yet to realise is that there is nothing that I do better than revenge (thank you Taylor Swift for providing me with that phrase). Its time to bring the bitch back!

 I’m not letting everyone walk all over me anymore. I got rid of the bitch barrier at the end of year 11. However, I think its time I let my evil “Queen Bitch” side out again.I need to stop these hypercritical little people, who make it their mission to ruin peoples lives – or at least attempt too.

  I don’t like bullies and I’m not going to have a repeat of the last 10 years of my life. It time for a change.

  This is all for now, but a few songs that make me keep my head up are:

18 Wheeler – Pink

Nobody Ever Told You – Carrie Underwood

Stronger – Kelly Clarkson

Fuck You – Lily Allen 

I see this blog as my way to vent my anger and inner thoughts – Its where I can voice my inner monologue without people knowing exactly who I am and who its about.

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